
Root resistance – as well in the joint!

HerbiTECT® ensures root resistance of waterproofing in a unique manner: not only on the surface but also in the joints.

Long-term reliable and FLL-proofed additive

HerbiTECT® is a long-term proven and FLL-tested additive, which ensures a reliable root resistance of waterproofings and their joints. HerbiTECT® is used for the production of waterproofing membranes, liquid plastics and liquid waterproofing, latex emulsions, pouring compounds and sealants, as well as for sealings, asphalt compounds, for equipping of rubber washers and similar products.

Tested safety
Waterproofing products with HerbiTECT® passes Green Roof-tests according to DIN, FLL, EN, SIA und